Wednesday, December 10, 2008


ALL the fails from last watch Plus:




The NOBL short at .745 as per last nights post turned out great,it hit red from green and fell hard to .55 quick
Also last nights post FREE was one of very few shippers to go green to red,almost got that 20% from it .. "If shippers start to sink FREE is the short imo..I've seen it lose 20% in minutes before...really low float,no pun but watch if breakdown of $2"...knowing these stocks and their patterns,nothing beats it

Pattern: [Wed Dec 10_09:16:35 EST 2008] Muddy SINO may be nice run
Was it ever!
It's stuff nobody can take away,try to get these in your head
Another couple:
[Wed Dec 10_13:30:09 EST 2008] Muddy if penny player TARR can fly
Took it from .065 right before alert to .125 for 92%
[Wed Dec 10_15:18:16 EST 2008] Muddy BUF used to big dr,now under 1 at .14,watching
Hopped in at .14 out at .24 for 71%

92% and 71% on 2 stocks in 1 day...just by knowing former runners and having the Scott HOD scrolling list...your account will zoom if you can pick up the knowledge of what we are trying to show you

Chat hit high of 190 today,we only hold 200 so it's getting near a full house,don't get shut out


CABeachBum said...

Muddy, you're going to hit 200 in the chat by Friday! Unlike the west coasters you criticize for rolling out of bed after the market opens, I manage to get up at 5:45ish everyday. Not bad for someone who's never been a morning person. Unfortunately I have to log out every morning for my hour commute in to work. Save a spot for me in the chat to hop back in. You, L, IL and everyone are doing a great job sharing your knowledge! Congrats your huge gains today. Man, wish I could have been watching the chat all day for the TARR and BUF alerts. Too many damn meetings at work! I need to be doing this full time.

Anonymous said...

we only hold 200 so it's getting near a full house

ahhh rats

Anonymous said...

all the best veterans might get shut out by the new visitors

IL Torello said...

CA...MuddyAlerts were on fire today! I'm on the WestCoast also. I get up at about 5AM, sometimes even 4AM just so I can reserve shares with

CABeachBum said...

Just left a message on your blog about the TOS video. Excellent post! I hope you do more of them showing how you use the tools or what patterns you're looking at in the charts.

No kidding about Muddy's alerts today! I almost considered calling in sick. ha!

Regarding reserving shares on TOS...I used to do that too. I switched over to IB about a month ago and don't regret it at all. Still have a TOS acct for charting, but IB is way better for finding shares and lower commissions. If you have the $10k to open an acct with them, you won't regret it. When you do, maybe it'll even give you a half hour or hour back in the morning for some extra sleep!

James Krieger said...

I'm thinking about putting half my capital with a prop firm so I can day trade freely...I'm tired of missing out on all these alerts because of the PDT!

Anonymous said...

I don't criticize actually about the west coasters getting up late.In fact I admire the ones that can get up early enough for the open,myself,I doubt that I could do it.

We are looking to see if we can upgrade the chat to hold 500

Ron said...

Hello Muddy

Do you think CHUX has more room to run up in price?

Thank You
Ron - The Beginner :)

Anonymous said...

Great call on the Short---- after I took profits on the long- (struggled to reach the $1.00 target) this started sinking---

pavtrader said...

wow the chat is getting pretty lively. Muddy good call on not shorting FCSX yesterday. Have to watch the action next to those rounders!