Wednesday, December 17, 2008


That old SNL running skit,if you watched back then,Hans and Franz,used to say that.

But really ,HEAR THIS.......
Pennystocktrading for fun and profits!
First HEAR THIS...I'm not bragging,got it? ok

Here are my trades today,most timestamped in the IL chat gotta remember I'm also trying to trade WHILE alerting so sometimes I miss posting in chat at near the exact momoent,but you can see most that I say I entered or just got out of...
Anyway this is just 1 day in a life full of trades,,,it just keeps getting better,I'm almost 61,alot of you folks are way less than half my age,,oh man,the time you've got to learn this!

ANSV long at 1...took 33% at 1.33..on pre list
CADX short at 6.97,covered at 6.41..on pre list
CADX long 6.42 to 6.97
NVD long .135..took 210% at .42..on pre
IVVI long at .50 cross...took 30% at .65..yesterday big momo in chat
SIL long at 1 cross 1.03...took 47% at 1.48..was a huge former runner few months ago aka former runner
DVAX long at .93 to still hold eod 1.74 for paper profit 87%..on pre plus DRUG news!
VNBC long at .20 to .30 for 50% chat around 9am,I said very interesting chart's known as a squeeze/volume/break,that has backed down quick into the "muddy zone"(ema10/sma30)..on green if dayrangey enough I like to hop them...this one I did

So that's one day...master some of this,you got 99% of traders beat....HEAR ME NOW


Anonymous said...

Did you buy ANSV at the open at $1, and then sold into the spike?
I went through the chat log for today, and all I saw was that you entered at 1, and you were holding it, but it is not clear when you closed the position.

You also reported it going back under 1, which could imply that you might have flipped, but it seems you didn't as you only said you profited 33% going long?

Anonymous said...

I bot ANSV first after it gapped up then went to 1,it then went to 1.49 and I got out at 1.33.
I did not short it there but in hindsight sure should have.
Then later as it hit 1.08 for like the 3rd time I went long again,it made a soft move to 1.15 but I was giving it room it fell steady back to 1.08(and even further)where I just took a breakeven trade at 1.08.
I was tempted a 3rd time at under .90 butlet it pass as it was late in the day.
I will hop on it at open on any green if I see a jiggy move in the qoutebox.
imo, soon this stock will revert back to dead,only to pop up again in the future but till it remains "alive" I will follow it.
That's why I follow the adr30 compared to the adr10 so closely to try to gauge when the dead zone begins and move on and to find the ones moving up from adr30 % to adr10 %.

Anonymous said...

Muddy, I have gone over all your blog entries for the first time to get a sense of your strategy.

If I were to summarize the high level concepts, would the following be accurate?

1. Find stocks with high average day range.
2. Look at their charts and look for recurring patterns, especially the circumstances when they make big move.
3. When a stock seems to be in a similar situation identified by #2, enter.

James Krieger said...

Nice work Muddy! I played some of those today paper trading...scalped them but I just need to learn patience like you have to let the profits run

Anonymous said...

Hi Muddy,
When you say cross, are you meaning the EMA(10) and the SMA(30)? Thanks.

pavtrader said...

wow Muddy just wow

Anonymous said...

Dont trust this guys.....

mp said...

congratulations on the great trades recently. Man you are a great trader. If I had these kinds of wins right now I'm sure some of it would go to my head and I'd force bad ones. Who knows though I never have played penny's as well as you can.

Androo said...

Just in awe.

We all aspire to be successful like you Muddy - 40 years, something we probably all don't have, but are trying to achieve in a few months.

Thanks Muddy for everything you've done, and these posts are fantastic. =)

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