Saturday, January 10, 2009


This post here, to me it hits it.
Things have changed the last month,momo's keep going,going more than many ever think AND when they do breakdown some,they pick their selves up,dust themselves off and take off again.
The ones that do breakdown and keep going down are very mind boggeling slow many times.
Read my comment to this blogger that has picked up the trend change now,that's how you do it,go with the flow...don't fight it


Anonymous said...

Muddy how long did it take you to start just reacting to trading and not thinking about it?


Will said...

"There has been a huge increase of pennystockers courtesy of Timothy Sykes. Most don't know what they are doing. When they short, you can gain. Enough said.

Great quote. It shows how you have to stick to your trading rules and have disipline. Tim has a wonderful strategy and he accomplishies that from doing hard work. The "pennystockers" have taken Tims strategy and have deviated from that and just want to take the top gainers and short them. Since in the past few months you couldnt loose money shorting the "pennystockers" realize that they just short the top gainers of the last few days. Now, after they have lost money they have realized that you cant just short companies at will. Trading is one of the most difficult things to do. Stick with your trading rules and don't part from them because you will loose money. Why do you think Tim and Muddy are so successful is because they have stuck to the same set of trading rules for years.
Trading is not that hard guys/gals. Keep it simple and stay with that.
Muddy is AWESOME for sharing his intense detail of how he trades the markets. I can't believe people are complaing about having to pay. YOU TELL ME ANOTHER SITE THAT WILL GIVE YOU THE INFORMATION THAT MUDDY AND
Muddy's been giving his skills out for free for at least the past 5 years.
He has a great detailed blogGreen on the of his different tools that he uses day in and day out.
Just because the post is from 2006 doesent mean its not good. Take the time to go through EVERY blog post that Muddy has posted and just sit in the chat room for a few months an observe what everybody is doing.


James Krieger said...

I've noticed this same pattern.

If you look at the charts of a lot of these stocks, you'll see stocks that were trading $50 a few years ago now trading at $2. Some of these aren't even crap or failing companies...just companies that got caught in the great sell-off of 2008.

Now they're bouncing and they're bouncing hard. Shorting isn't as profitable because these stocks are simply making a correction. A stock that was trading for $50 and fallen under $1 isn't going to fall any more (unless it's on the verge of bankruptcy). It has nowhere to go but up.

lakhanin said...


thanks so much for linking to my blog.

Since August, I always wondered how long I could go on shorting stocks, and quickly found my answer after taking a brief period off to recoop my mind after taking steep losses. I found that answer after my trade on FIG, and decided to share via the blogpost.

I always thought you shared a lot of information to us in the GOTS room, but not quite enough to make it plain simple for us to know what to do. I often wondered why. Why, that is, you could share so much information but leave that last bit out. Only recently have a realized it is part of how you have learned to call stocks so well. You see, as I mention in my post. The key, and I will be candid here, is reacting. It was never "green to red". Thats just some phrase that someone came up with. Honestly, I thought Laura was the fool when she said it was not a profitable strategy. Only now, looking back, do I realize that trading these pennystocks is not, and will never be as clean cut as "green to red". First, you've gotta put in the necessary time to watch the stocks(I prefer charts... for now ;) ) and see what everyone is doing. Second, take it all in, and make the observations. It helps knowing the history or the backdrop against which you can compare tickers. Thats why you must of thought "green to red" was not surefire, and thats why I only recently realized that shorting is no longer surefire as back in the days of SIL and COIN.

I'll stop there. People have way to many quotes and "rules" when it comes to trading. I don't want to confuse any readers with more of my ramblings.

You may not see me around chat(i'm a college kid... enough said ;) ) but just know that you have significantly impacted the way I view the trading.

Much respect.
